Majority of U.S. Homeowners Remain Unprepared for Disasters

Despite the U.S. witnessing its highest number of billion-dollar catastrophes in 2022, a recent survey uncovered that two-thirds of American homeowners are still unprepared for a disaster scenario. Dry Patrol, a front-runner in disaster recovery and property restoration, spearheaded this survey to evaluate the disaster preparedness and awareness of households, aligning with the National Preparedness Month celebrated each September.


Dry Patrol Preparedness Month 2023 Survey

The nationwide representative survey, targeting U.S. homeowners, painted a concerning picture of the readiness levels against both natural and man-made calamities. Key discoveries from the study included:

  • A staggering 60% of participants admitted to not having a disaster preparedness blueprint in place.
  • Close to half (47%) had not pondered on formulating a disaster strategy. Concurrently, a sizable portion (a third) cited lack of know-how or paucity of time as reasons for their lack of preparation.
  • An alarming 45% confessed they were in the dark about the essential items to stockpile for emergencies. The more informed minority, however, considered food, water, and flashlights as top priorities.


Derron Oakley, the CEO of Dry Patrol, expressed his astonishment at the survey outcomes. “Discovering that a significant number of U.S. homeowners are inadequately equipped and informed about disaster readiness was indeed startling,” he remarked. “At Dry Patrol, we often encounter individuals at arguably their lowest moments, fueling our commitment to emphasize the importance of preparation. It’s not about if a disaster will strike but when. Our mission at Dry Patrol revolves around not only providing restoration services but also educating and urging homeowners, entrepreneurs, and families to take proactive steps for their safety.”


Interestingly, the survey by Dry Patrol revealed that only 8% of the respondents viewed flooding as a primary concern, with just 7% apprehensive about hurricanes. This, despite the fact that floods are recognized as the most frequent and financially draining natural disasters. Moreover, the damages accrued during the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season soared to a whopping $265 billion in the U.S alone. Tornadoes (25%), fires (20%), and power outages (19%) emerged as the predominant concerns among those surveyed.

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